1953 geboren in Nord Hollywood, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten
1974 Stipendium für Santa Barbara Art Institute, Vereinigte Staaten
1975 Umzug nach Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten
1977 College of Creative Studies (CCS), Santa Barbara, Vereinigte Staaten
1980 Umzug nach New York, Vereinigte Staaten
1982 Umzug Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten
1984 Rückkehr nach New York, Vereinigte Staaten
1992 gestorben in New York, Vereinigte Staaten
"Licked by the Waves I New Bathers in Art", Museum MORE, Gorssel, NL (G)
"Cityscapes", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (G)
"Faces & Figures of the Permanent Collection", ram Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, Fort Smith, US (G)
"Intimacy", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (G)
"Emotions", Gruppenpräsentation zur Ausstellung "Stadt-Land-Akt. Der Maler Hans Bucher aus dem Donautal", Museum im Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE (G)
"Every Moment Counts. AIDS and its Feelings", Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Sandvika, NO (G)
"TOUCH ME. Nudes from Miettinen Collection", Waschhaus Potsdam, DE (G)
"Das Eigene im Fremden – Einblicke in die Sammlung Detlev Blenk", Museum Bensheim, DE (G)
"Looking Back / The 12th White Columns Annual – Selected by Mary Manning", White Columns, New York, US (G)
"Patrick Angus. Works from a Private Collection", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (E)
"Patrick Angus", Bortolami Gallery, New York, US (E)
"Any distance between us", RISD Museum, New York, US (G)
"Meerblick", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (G)
"Körper. Blicke. Macht. – Eine Kulturgeschichte des Bades", Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, DE (G)
"On Our Backs: The Revolutionary Art of Queer Sex Work", Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, New York, US (G)
"Male", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (G)
"Patrick Angus: Voyeur", Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, US (E)
"Patrick Angus. Landscapes and Portraits", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (E)
"Intimacy", Yossi Milo Gallery, New York, US (G)
"Patrick Angus – Under the Surface", Museum Bensheim, DE (E)
"Patrick Angus. Private Show", Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, DE (E)
"Your Own Life", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (E)
"Patrick Angus: Paintings and Works on Paper", Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, Fort Smith, US (E)
"Looking: Patrick Angus and Stuart Sandford", Edward Cella Art & Architecture, Los Angeles, US (G)
"First Sight", Loom Gallery, Mailand, IT (E)
"Patrick Angus", Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, DE (E)
"Two Loves – Sex, Art, and the Love that Dare not Speak its Name", Kymara Gallery, Biddeford, Maine, US (G)
"Celebration: Stepping Boldly into the Future", Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, New York, US (G)
2006 - 2007
"SEXWORK: Kunst Mythos Realität", Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK), Berlin, DE (G)
"Slave To The Rhythm. The Paintings and Drawings of Patrick Angus", Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US (E)
"My Heart Goes Bang Bang Bang Bang. Schwule Bilder von Patrick Angus”, Schwules Museum*, Berlin, DE (E)
"Warhol Explicitly Queer. Selections from the Permanent Collection", Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US (G)
"10th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION: Selections from the Permanent Collection", Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, New York, US (G)
"Goodbye to Berlin? 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung", Schwules Museum*, Berlin, DE (G)
"Meant to be seen, A Memorial Exhibition of Works by Patrick Angus, Eujens and Marc Lida", 24 Hours For Life Gallery, New York, US (G)
"Phallic Symbols: Images in Contemporary Art", 24 Hours For Life Gallery, New York, US (G)
"Diamonds, Gold And Myrrh: 25 Years", Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US (G)
"The Female Nude. Drawings of the female nude by Patrick Angus", Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US (E)
"Art and Fantasy", GAY GAMES IV at the Amos Enos Gallery, New York, US (G)
"Gay Art in America", Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US (G)
"Major Works", John Pence Gallery, San Francisco, US (G)
"Sexual Preference Visual Voices", Triplex Gallery, New York, US (G)
"STRIP SHOW: Patrick Angus", Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US (E)
"The Figure: Painting and Sculpture", John Pence Gallery, San Francisco, US (G)
"The New York Experience: Paintings by Patrick Angus", Ganymede Gallery, New York, US (E)
"Patrick Angus: Paintings and Drawings", College of Creative Studies Gallery, University of California Santa Barbara, US (E)
"Patrick Angus. Private Show", Distanz Verlag, 2017
"Patrick Angus. Paintings and Drawings", Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2016
"Strip Show", Éditions Aubrey Walter, 1992
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, US
AD&A Museum, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, US
Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, Fort Smith, US
Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York, US
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE
Schwules Museum*, Berlin, DE
(E) Einzelausstellung
(G) Gruppenausstellung