Bastian Börsig. making a mess
Augustenstraße 63
November 29 – December 28, 2024

Opening – Bastian Börsig will be present
Friday, November 29, 2024, 6 pm – 9 pm

Bastian Börsig's new paintings show chaotic scenes, disorder, falling bodies, piles of stuff collapsing on top of each other. However, they are not still lives, but rather chaos captured in the moment of creation. The works oscillate between slapstick and threat, just as the title "making a mess" encompasses everything from clumsiness or incompetence to deliberate destruction, from harmless "messing around" to tragic "being a mess".

The title also refers to the working process, which plays an important role in the works and often becomes their content itself. It is about the process of finding a picture, the accumulation of color and material, of forms that cover the original content of the picture and the attempt to order, sort and contain the resulting "chaos". The tension between disorder and order and the possibility that order can also prevail in chaos resonate both in terms of content and process. The fact that the pendulum of the works in the exhibition tends to swing to one side of the spectrum refers to the current reality of Bastian Börsig's life, which is why he describes "making a mess" as probably his most personal exhibition title to date.